I'm a typical California suburban mom... except for one thing: I'm a ghost hunter too.
I am in search of the truth about life after death, and the things that go bump in the night. I believe these truths are just out of our reach, on the other side of a thin veil that I am trying desperately to understand.
Through this blog, I plan to share my journey, challenges, discoveries, and lessons-learned.

(At least, those I can share without revealing any client information)

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Human agents... what are they?

We, as humans, are energy inside a physical body.  This is a scientific observation, not a religious one.  If you want to get religious, you could call that energy a soul, or you could call it consciousnesses ...  it's just terminology. You can  imagine our human electromagnetic field as a field encompassing our body, like that shown below:

I had a case recently up in the Redding area.  This was a perfect example of human-created energy that had manifested into something more.  

(DISCLOSURE:  Please remember that when I write these things, the ideas and theories expressed are ideas and theories.  Science has yet to catch up with much of the paranormal world, so our explanations are based on research and experience, but often cannot be 100% backed-up by scientific evidence.)  
This client in Redding was a kind and loving person who had numerous family members living in her home.  Most members of the family had something going on in their psychological world: depression, post traumatic stress disorder, past or present traumatic experiences or occupations, anxiety and more.  The theory is: anyone who is not healthy in body, mind, or heart, can create negative energy.  When enough of this energy builds up in a living space, it can create a negative “entity”.  It is not truly a ghost, but actually a manifestation of a human’s energy.  It can come from just ignoring, and not actually dealing with past or current traumas, sadness, depression, or other issues.  

The way to get rid of the negativity, no matter how extreme or mild, is to address the human issues in the home, and cope with any of the paranormal activity that occurs until it dissipates.  This is not a conscious thing that people are doing… it is just something that naturally happens when people have things that they don’t deal with.  It’s why psychologists, counselors, and really good friends who know how to listen exist…. Mental health professionals are truly helpful.  Without talking about our problems and working through them, they fester and become bigger.

In these cases, the best we can do is complete a preliminary investigation (an in-person extensive interview + a site evaluation), which we did do.  Some EVP sessions were completed and the client and family was shown how to stand their ground and own their space until we had a chance to look over all the interview notes and photographs, and review the EVP recordings that were taken.  In this particular case, we had enough information to deduce that they likely do not have an active haunting occuring in their home, not intelligent or residual.  It truly appeared to be human energy that was creating the negativity that was bothering the family, primarily bothering the mom in the home who has a sort of a matriarch role with all the extended family that lives with her.

We gave them thorough details on how to cleanse their home, both by eliminating clutter and by using smudging of sage and incense along with prayers and blessings from their own Christian belief system.  We also explained the entire human agent concept to them, which seemed to make sense to the client.  We recommended that each resident sought counseling with a professional to work through addictions and the psychological "gunk" that had built up and been messing with their lives.  We truly believe that once they have really gotten into this process, they will no longer have any unexplained experiences in their home.  

This family understood what we were doing for them, and our limitations.  Sometimes I do wish that we were like Ghostbusters in the movies, and that we could blast these entities and trap them, to remove them from a location.  But we can't, and it's really not our place to do that... who are we to decide what spirits can be where and when?!  But we can evaluate what might be occurring, debunk claims of activity when we can, capture evidence when we can, and give advice and comfort to our clients.  We help people from all walks of life, and they invite us into their lives and homes and seek our help.  Because of this level of trust they give us, I feel a very real sense of responsibility to help all we can.   In the end, I  like to think of myself as a paranormal social worker.  And although I don't get paid to do it, I feel so rewarded when we leave a client feeling happier and more confident than when we arrived.